Trusting more thanks to journaling

Do you journal?

If yes, do you regularly read what you wrote?

For those who are new to this practice, journaling is writing about your thoughts, goals, your life, anything really.

I started that practice when I was living in Canada 14 years ago. The company I was working for, gifted a diary to all the managers (my first journal since I was 8 years old). Plus, it was in the company culture to have one common check-in diary per shop so that the employees could ‘check-in’ in order for the others to know if anything in particular was up, especially if someone was not feeling so well. A nice way to bring more understanding in the team!

In my personal journal, I remember having started with a poem! Because I was freshly in love at the time. And later I wrote about everything I was experiencing, mostly the exciting stuff and the things that made me feel sad. I would add concert tickets or anything I found cool and special.

And I just kept doing that with every new diary I bought. Not on a regular basis at all. I kept on writing mostly about special events and doubts or worries. Being a Libra I wrote a lot about the choices I ‘had to’ make. And at the time I didn’t know there was not only option A or B to choose from! Writing about it helped me release the pressure. I also wrote a lot about travel plans and goals in general.

I still have all my diaries and they are the most precious things I possess.  

It’s probably that practice that made me want to write blogposts and now a book (that I ‘should be’ editing right now but resistance pushed me to write that blogpost as a distraction! I actually got the idea to write this post because I was reading a former journaling session with the intention to edit my intro for the book #procrastination101).

I find it juicy to put my thoughts on paper and see them alchemize into realizations! It definitely makes me understand myself better!

The notes I was reading were from April 2020 and the title (on computer) was: what I was going through this week got me super curious! What was I going through back in 2020?! I couldn’t remember at all. As I opened the document I realized it was all about TRUST and the things I was struggling with at the time. I had written that I needed to trust that all my worries will be taken care of and when I read this today I realize they did! And in the meantime my goals did manifest! Of course not all of them but the most important ones! Without writing those doubts or goals down and reading them again a few months or years later, I would not have remembered that I actually moved forward and that all is well! I tend to focus on what there is left to achieve, on all the things I didn’t do yet! And I know we all do that ;) But there is definitely progress and forward movement we just forget!

I believe that the more we trust the more we can trust!


So this week I invite you to start journaling or/and (if it’s in your practice already) to read what you have written already and to observe what happened and see if you can find a bit more TRUST in life and in yourself <3


Slow traveling


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