Visiting Saint-Malo Part 1

Also called La Cité Corsaire - because of all the Piracy going on back in the days that was commanded by the King! -, Saint-Malo is not only very rich in History but also in delicious food, amazing old buildings, forts and of course beautiful beaches.

Before you go there, be aware that not a lot of people speak English (even though it is very touristy) and that the French won’t understand when you pronounce French words with an accent! So maybe learn the basics beforehand :P

You can find everything about the history and culture on other sites. I will only list below what I liked and recommend. It’s mostly food and coffee as usual! When I am in a new town I like to simply explore every single street on foot, eat, drink good coffee, take pictures and take dips in the Ocean. So if you are the kind of person who likes to do a thousand activities during your holidays, this might not be interesting.

Food wise: there are Crêperies around every single corner of the town so if you are hungry that’s always a more or less healthy, quick and cheap option. If you want to experience Galettes in a different way, I recommend: Breizh Café and La Maison du Sarasin where Japan meets Bretagne.

If you want good coffee: you can go to Cavoua Coffee Spot or Choubidoux (they both have clean toilets! Yes it’s important!)

And last but not least, if you are a Harry Potter fan: you will love the shop dedicated to all things Harry Potter: Mystères & Cie. I was transported into another Universe in this shop, it was amazing! Yes that’s a random recommendation I know.

From Saint-Malo we took a Ferry to one of the Channel Islands: Jersey (more about the island in the next post)


Visiting Jersey


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