Maria Banobre is a Multidimensional Healer & Sovereignty Activator based in London.

At the time of recording, she just got back from Costa Rica where she spent the whole Winter with her family.

Of course I had to ask her everything about her trip!

What interested me in particular was her/ their journey pre-departure: what is required emotionally and on all levels when we think of and are taking those big leaps in life.

It was a delightful conversation <3

If you missed the first one we had: Season 3 #4

I can highly recommend her 1:1 sessions, her group containers and masterclasses.

You can find her on IG: @the_sovereignmother where she shares her great wisdom.


Season 3 Episode #13 Evelyne Vuilleumier


Season 3 Episode #15 with Pragati Siddhanti