Express more to heal and less to impress

I believe that the body talks to us all the time but most of the time we don’t listen and then from time to time, it speaks louder and we perceive it as pain which then has an impact on our lives, our relationships, work, what we are able to do or not do, everything basically. We usually get annoyed that the body spoke to us in that way and we want to get rid of the pain as fast as possible. So we either take a pill, rub some cream where it hurts, go to the therapist, etc. Which are all great, I do them too! 

But I also believe that when I experience pain, the body is trying to tell me something and it’s not always easy to figure out what it is, so I talk to it and ask, what are you trying to tell me? Where is this pain coming from? 

I asked that question on Sunday while walking to my office on the other side of the river – it makes it sound romantic when I write it like that, doesn’t it?! – My right hip was quite tight and I could feel the pull all the way to my sacrum and it was not the first time I felt that exact pain that week. The first time I freaked out a bit and tried to ignore it. But then on Sunday, I asked: what is it?! The way I would ask a child who comes towards me crying and I deeply care about the answer.

While asking that question to my body, I was listening to a podcast where Elizabeth Gilbert was being interviewed. And a few seconds after I asked, she says: ‘My guru in India said: any talent that you have that you do not use becomes pain!’ 

Oh wow! Thanks Liz! I guess that’s my answer!

The next day I did a silly insta story where because I had watched Star Wars the day before and was highly disappointed in (well many things – sorry Star Wars fans out there) the way Padmé reacts to Anakin telling her that he thinks that the Jedis are not good people, etc. etc. I thought that if it would have been a French movie, she would not have reacted the same way and would not have died! And so I did a story where I imagined what she could have said in French instead. Anyway. Long story short, just by expressing myself in a 30 second video on a topic I find funny, my body felt amazing the whole day!

Sure it could have been many other factors: the weather, my movement practice, meditation… but I felt like putting this out there anyway and will definitely investigate more on and write more about! 


What about you? Is there any talent you have that you are not expressing? I’m curious ;)


Slow living & love making


The holistic revolution